10 Best Booty Workouts Ever

The zone of the buttocks, as a rule, is the least active. A special complex of the 10 most effective booty workouts is aimed at strengthening the muscles of booty and legs as well as at speeding up the process of losing weight. Most often, you are quite able to meet the challenge of creating a perfect body and becoming as beautiful as girls on primedating.com.

1. Squats “Plie.”
Stand your feet wider than shoulders and your toes pointing out. Your back should be straight and arms by your side. If you want to increase the load, you can pull your hands forward parallel to the ground and use free weights. Slowly squat and return to an initial position. At the maximum point, the legs should form a right angle in the knees. Two-three sets of 12-15.

2. Forward lunges.
Slightly spread your legs. Make a step forward, bend the knee at a right angle and start to shift weight forward so heel hits the floor first. Keep your weight on your heels. Your back should be straight, shoulders spread out. Press into the right heel to drive back up to the initial position. Repeat with another leg. Two-three sets of 11 for each leg.

3. Deadlift with free weights.
Take free weights in each hand. Your back should be straight with a natural curve in the loins. Your arms should hang perpendicular to the floor. The free weights should be at the front surface of the hip. Lean forward, knees must be straight. If it is difficult for you to keep your knees in this position, you can slightly bend them. Hands with free weights move from the hip joint to the middle of the shin and back again. Two sets of 14.

4. Glute bridge.
Lie on back, bend your knees, creating right angles, lift off the buttocks. In this case, you should form a glute bridge. You can put something hard under the feet to increase the load on the booty. Stay in this position for several seconds and then return to an initial position. Two-three sets of 14.

5. Donkey kicks.
Get on all fours. Your head must be strictly in line with the whole body. Having the core muscles involved, slowly lift the left leg with maximum amplitude. Keep your knee bent when you lift the foot up toward the sky. Don’t hold your breath. Two-three sets of 14.

6. Back extension.
The reference position is lying on the belly. If you put your hands on the back of the head, the load will be increased. On an exhalation, start smoothly lift the upper part of the body. Fix your pose at the top point for several seconds and return to an initial position. Two-three sets of 14.

7. Butt walk.
Do it better on a mat or rug. Keep your feet together, your back should be straight, the shoulders are slightly back, the chin is raised. In this position, the load will be correctly distributed to all muscle groups. Begin movement on the booty forward and backward. Movements should be performed at a fast pace. Two-three sets of 14.

8. Wall sit.
Stand with your back to the wall. Gradually sit down as if there was a chair. Walk feet out and slide backside down so knees form the right angle. Make sure legs remain parallel to the floor. Keep your shoulders down and back. Fix your position for 1 minute.

9. Step up.
You can use a step, bench, chair or even the stairs. Put your left foot on the bench and step up, engaging your left glute to lift. Your right leg should be directed forward and up, bend your knee until your hip is parallel to the floor. Repeat with another leg.

10. Sumo on toes.
Your feet should be wider than shoulder-width apart, heels lifted off the ground. Lower down until your hips are parallel to the ground, heels still lifted. Use your core to keep the balance. Return to an initial position. Two-three sets of 14.

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