11 comments on “Aurora Jolie Oil Up Her Booty”

  1. Jim K says:

    Chick is just mad sexy! That body is perfect.

  2. vanilla joystick says:

    If she could only teach her fellow sistas about the wonders of anal…….

  3. Jo Blow says:

    Underrated and most likely underpaid?

  4. joe says:

    If her fellow sistas would only teach her about the wonders of vaginal sex..jeeez…what a waste.

  5. chaz m says:

    One of the sexiest porn stars on EARTH! 4real

  6. smoothsmutt says:

    she claims she only does anal coz she`s saving her pussy for her husband… WTF??? shouldn’t it be the other way round??? what a dumbass!!!!

  7. Dgkman2004 says:

    damn i never realized how perfect her body is

  8. Qstorm says:

    She looks damn GOOD!!!

  9. The One says:

    I’d rather have a tight pussy over a tight anal anytime, but that’s just my opinion. As much as I hate the whole anal sex thing, I think she’s doing the right thing. By the way, She’s really cute and sexy.

  10. Big T says:

    Damn, between her and Amber, I still gotta stick with Amber.

  11. dmoneybeatz says:


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